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Mathieu Loup Gris


Mathieu Loup Gris (Grey Wolf) assisted his first sundance in France in 2003. It was lead by Phil Crazy Bull who interpreted his first vision. "You'll go on the hill four times and dance four times. Then Tunkasila will ask you to lead the people to the meaning of the earth." For his first cycle of vision quests he was taught and helped by Carol Anpo wichapi Win. He learned the songs and the off beat with Thierry Wambli Gleshka and Steven Blue Horse who called him "nephew". His spiritual father, Michel Bison Noir, taught him to pour water and to lead vision quest camps. Since 2012 he leads vision quest camps, sweat lodges and healing ceremonies. 

In 2008, at Rosebud, he offered Howard Bad Hand some tobacco in gratitude for his songs and words of peace. Since then, he receives songs in french for the ceremonies he proposes. He danced four times in Red Valley. On the third year he asked what he can do to help the earth. The answer came : "I will give you a sacred tree". He returned to Red Valley a fifth time to sing and support his friends. He offered a pipe to Howard to ask him to help him fulfill his vision. "I will come help you because you are sincere", said Howard. With Howard's supervision, Mathieu leads a sundance for peace since 2017. This dance is rooted in the strenght and ressources of the european side of the ocean.


"In the dream which inspired me to ask Howard's help, I'm sitting by the tree of the dance in peace. Howard is standing behind me in support. I know, because I have translated his book and because we've talked for many nights, how much we agree on ceremonies and peace and the living tradition renewing itself constently. I know that the Spirit supports, inspires, blesses this dance in a way that amazes me and encourages me to go on, even that year (2020) when Howard couldn't come. His example inspires me simplicity, serenity, humanity. I desire tenderness, love, clear mind, joyful peace. I love when everyone acts on his or her free will, when everyone follows the energy and when we realise that our individual actions are creating a collective harmony greater than us. Then I tell to myself : "It's more beautiful than dreams !". I do what I do for the earth that I love so much I want to be one with her ; for my people with whom I cry tears of sorrow and tears of joy ; for the trees, the animals, the plants, the stones and all of life we're including in our ceremonies as friends and relatives ; I do what I do for our children.

The song whose lyrics touche me the most is this one :

This earth is mine, I want to protect her.

This earth is my mother, hear my prayer.

For our sons and daughters, I want the earh to live.


We are all relatd !"


Mathieu Loup Gris














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